This passage contains multiple logical fallacies, making its argument difficult to accept. An appeal to emotion attempts to make Congress feel guilty if they don’t support the legislation. Not only that, but a false dilemma is used to suggest that legislation is the only way to protect the environment, while an ad hominem attack is used against representatives for being distracted when hearing evidence. Finally, a bandwagon appeal is used to suggest that every American wants to help endangered species. Ultimately, the false dilemma fallacy is utilized to introduce the idea that the legislation will save us all. Let’s take a closer look at the fallacies present in this passage to gain a better understanding of why it is weak in its argument.
Which Fallacies Appear In This Passage? Select Three Options. An Appeal To Emotion Is Used To Make Congress Feel Guilty If They Do Not Support The Legislation. A False Dilemma Is Used To Claim That Legislation Is The Only Way To Protect The Environment. An Ad Hominem Is Used To Attack Representatives For Being Distracted When Hearing Evidence. A Bandwagon Appeal Is Used To Suggest That Every American Wants To Help Endangered Species. A False Dilemma Is Used To Introduce The Idea That The Legislation Will Save Us All.